
This articles describes which filters are available and how to apply them

At the moment Mighty Image provides a limited set of filters that can be applied to your image. We plan to expand this set in the future. Let us know which ones you would like.

List of parameters

Greyscale (gs)

Change to output image to greyscale by setting gs to true

Boolean Default: false Optional

Sepia (sp)

Change to output image to greyscale by setting sp to true

Boolean Default: false Optional


Image converted to Sepia
Image converted to Sepia


Original image in greyscale
Original image in greyscale


In addition to setting individual filters you can also combine several filters. At this moment, the order of your query parameters doesn’t impact the order in which filters are applied. Default order is: 1. greyscale 2. sepia

Combination if filter can provide subtle differences
Combination if filter can provide subtle differences
sp=true gs=true

Last updated on November 14, 2022