
The most common image operation is resizing. This help article will describe which how to use resizing to get the image you want.

List of parameters

Different combinations of parameters can yield different results.


Width (w)

You can specify the width using the w parameter.

Integer Optional

Height (h)

You can specify the height using the h parameter.

Integer Optional

BoxFit (bf)

You can determine how Mighty Image should fit the width and height by providing a boxfit (bf)

Options: cover, contain, fill, inside, outside Default: cover Optional

Gravity (g)

You can change how BoxFit behaves by adding a gravity parameter g

Options: top, right top, right, right bottom, bottom, left bottom, left, left top Optional

Cover (default)

By default, Mighty Image will fit to cover, meaning rescale the image to adhere to the provided dimensions, while preserving the original aspect ratio. As a result, this can lead to cropping/clipping some of the content.

In this example, when the image is in landscape, height will be rescaled to fit the requested dimension while clipping the width to preserve the original aspect ratio and prevent distortion

The landscape image will resize to 500x500 while keeping aspect ratio and clipping to the center
The landscape image will resize to 500x500 while keeping aspect ratio and clipping to the center
w=500 h=500 bf=cover (default) g=east

By default, it wil cover the image on the center. By changing the gravity g, parameter you can change how you want Mighty Image to cover the image.

Clipped with gravity set to east
Clipped with gravity set to east
w=500 h=500 bf=cover (default) g=east
Clipped with gravity set to west
Clipped with gravity set to west
w=500 h=500 bf=cover (default) g=west


To resize an image without cropping or clipping the contain, you should set boxfit explicitly to contain When using contain , the resulting image wil strictly adhere to the provided dimension while adding padding (letterboxing) where needed to preserve the aspect ratio of the original image.

Notion image
w=500 h=500 bf=contain g=center(default)


By default, it wil cover the image on the center. By changing the gravity g, parameter you can change how you want Mighty Image to contain the image.

Padded with gravity set to north
Padded with gravity set to north
w=500 h=500 bf=contain g=north
Padded with gravity set to south
Padded with gravity set to south
w=500 h=500 bf=contain g=south

Inside or Outside

If you want to preserve aspect ratio and enforce at last one size constraint without clipping the image you can fit inside or outside


When fitting inside, the resulting image will resize to the smallest possible size, while ensuring that the provided dimensions are not exceeded

Keep as small as possible, within the contraints
Keep as small as possible, within the contraints
w=500 h=500 bf=inside

When fitting outside, the resulting image will resize to the smallest possible size, while allowing it to exceed to provided dimensions.

Allow image to exceed dimension to preserve aspect ration
Allow image to exceed dimension to preserve aspect ration
w=500 h=500 bf=outside

When either inside or outside boxfit is used, the gravity paramater doesn’t have any affect.


If you want to guarantee that the resulting image adhere to exactly the provided dimension without preserving the aspect ratio, you can use fill. This will stretch the original image to fit both height and weight dimensions.

Stretch image to the exact dimensions
Stretch image to the exact dimensions
w=500 h=500 bf=fill

When fill boxfit is used, the gravity paramater doesn’t have any affect.


Last updated on November 14, 2022